by digibrand | Aug 10, 2017 | The Connected Collective, Uncategorized
When I first started writing this newsletter, I wanted to make sure that it resonated with you and that it would help to make a difference in the way you work and lead. At first it was a little like writing into an abyss… reaching out into a black hole and I had to...
by digibrand | Aug 3, 2017 | The Connected Collective, Uncategorized
If you stand back a moment, on any given day, on any floor in a large organisation, you will witness a somewhat unusual phenomenon take place. I am leader, hear me roar (Please use your best David Attenborough-style narrator voice when reading this.) Looking to the...
by digibrand | Jul 27, 2017 | The Connected Collective, Uncategorized
Sometimes we all run out of willpower and grit – that’s what makes us human. The approach we’re going to look at today will help you think through the obstacles you might face in trying to achieve your goals, and the strategies you can employ when those obstacles...
by digibrand | Jul 20, 2017 | The Connected Collective, Uncategorized
If there’s one thing my clients wish I could ‘wave a magic wand’ and give them, it’s discipline. Grit. ‘If I was just more disciplined, I would be able to do X’ (‘X’ being whatever goal it is they currently have.) In her book 9 things successful people do differently...
by digibrand | Jul 13, 2017 | The Connected Collective, Uncategorized
Have you ever looked at a leader in power and thought: ‘I would be so different if I was in their position’? Have you ever caught yourself thinking ‘I will never treat people that poorly’, convinced that you will remember what it was like further down the organisation...