Creating High Performance Leaders, Teams & Cultures through Connection.


Firstly, please know you aren’t alone! And you’re absolutely in the right place.

Secondly, you and your team don’t need to – and shouldn’t – feel this way. Because connection matters.

In a world that often feels relentlessly busy and digitally interconnected, the irony is that humans are feeling more disconnected than ever. This is abundantly clear within our workplaces, where individuals and teams are experiencing burnout, lack of motivation, and diminished creativity.

Whether you’re a leader looking to cultivate a more connected culture within your team or an executive seeking to elevate your leadership capabilities, I am here to help you. Think of me as a guide, mentor, and catalyst for change.

As a Connection and High-Performance Culture Consultant, my personable, honest, and outcome-driven approach draws on my background in psychotherapy, fascination with emerging insights from the world of neuroscience, and practical board and executive experience in Australia and overseas.

Together, we work on both an individual and team level to identify and address key challenges within your teams and organisations. This facilitates your journey towards reconnecting with yourself, discovering your unique purpose and meaning, and fostering deep connections with others. Ultimately, turning your team into a thriving and high-performing unit.

I’ve made it my mission to create a world full of brilliant and lit up people and I’d love to help you on your connection journey!

Are you ready to shine as a Leader and Light Up your Teams?



An Executive Coaching Program designed to amplify and ignite Leadership brilliance for both individuals and teams. Through Celeste’s innate ability to see what might be holding a Leader back, Celeste is able to devise clear and tangible ways to overcome these challenges. 


Our Team Programs are for High-Performance Leaders who want to create real, impactful organisational change and aren’t afraid to go against the status quo. We create an environment that encourages constructive conversation and problem-solving.


No more dull Off-Site events. Our process guarantees engaging, thought-provoking and fun experiences. Our tailored one or two-day development sessions enhance clarity, alignment and team Connection. No more wasting time – just meaningful impact.


Celeste is on a mission to create a world full of brilliant and lit-up people, and keynote speaking is a core pillar of that process. She relishes in connecting with audiences to inspire those ‘a-ha’ moments, motivate change, and share practical tools you can apply.

Our Connection Programs Are For Leaders and Teams Who Are:


The High Performers: Leaders who take pride in their commitment to high-performance and results-driven excellence.


The Transformers: Leaders who want to create real, impactful change in their organisation and aren’t afraid to be different.


The Culture Changers: Leaders who want to create a place people love coming to work; where they belong, where they grow and develop and where they create the incredible, together.



Connection quiz

How connected are you?

We believe that as humans we are meant to live full, brilliantly lit up lives.

At the core of our model lies a belief: to radiate a truly illuminated and thriving life, we must nurture connection—to ourselves, to meaning and purpose, and to others.

This quiz invites you to explore what truly lights you up and identify areas where you may need to rekindle those connections. Through self-discovery and introspection, our aim is to provide you with insightful results that empower you to reclaim your authenticity, connect with yourself, and cultivate meaningful relationships.

Understanding your unique connection style is not just a quiz; it’s a journey toward a more connected and brilliantly lit-up version of yourself.

What We Believe About Connection

Connected Leaders build Connected teams and create Connected Cultures

Connected Leaders

Connected Leaders are human Leaders. They’re values led,  have crystal clear vision, inspire exceptional results and create teams people love to be a part of and thrive in.

Connected Teams

Connected Teams create extraordinary outcomes.  Built on deep trust and care, they’re safe havens for courageous, vibrant conversations that improve and transform the business, themselves and each other.

Connected Cultures

Connected Cultures are alive and aligned.  They’re values led, focussed on achieving their vision and purpose and care about their people, their customers and the world.

Engaged with organisations worldwide

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Meet Celeste

Passionate, energetic and vibrant, Celeste radiates her belief in people and the power of human connection to change the way we live, work and lead.

As a Keynote speaker, workplace connection expert and author, Celeste has been working with leaders and their teams for over 20 years to help them achieve breakthrough outcomes, level up their leadership and build brilliant, Connected Cultures.


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Interested in learning more?

Book a discovery call with Celeste

Have a look through our range of services designed to help you and your team become more connected and high-performing.

If you find yourself uncertain about the ideal approach, reach out to us! We extend an invitation to experience a free discovery call for our new clients. This call serves as a guiding light, helping us understand your goals better and enabling us to identify the most suitable solutions to help you achieve them.

Get in touch today to schedule your call and embark on the journey towards unlocking your team’s true potential, illuminating every step along the way.

Latest Thoughts & News pieces

The Re-Connection Revolution Podcast

How Technology is Fuelling Isolation, and The Toll of Digital Overload with Dr Kristy Goodwin

In the latest In episode of The Reconnection Revolution, I sit down with Neuro- Performance Scientist Dr. Kristy Goodwin – to unravel the hidden impacts of technology on our lives. Discover the shocking truth behind “digital debt”: Did you know that workers spend 57% of their day on non-essential tasks like emails and meetings? This leaves barely any time for deep, focused work.We dive deep into how tech is affecting young people’s mental health, spotlighting three crucial areas: connection, sleep, and physical movement.

Conscious Communication Skills to Transform Relationship Upset with James ‘Fish’ Gill

In this episode, I am beyond thrilled to chat with Relationship Communication Coach James ‘Fish’ Gill, who challenges the common belief that relationship transformation requires the active participation of both parties. Having experienced firsthand the profound effects of his teachings, I am excited to share this enlightening conversation with you.

The Connected Collective

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